Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A day with Dad!

Brielle's dad and I aren't the greatest of friends. We've been going to classes at Brielle's headstart and they said we should try and spend positive time together. So we hung out all day and didn't fight once. We went shopping for Brielle's Halloween costume and it was beyond fun to watch her play with zombies. We then went to the mall and I bought some super cute new shoes!! :D Since Jon works at Papa John's we got a free pizza for lunch! For being with her dad all day it wasn't that bad of a day (: I'm glad we're raising our daughter right!

My super cute outfit!
Belt: D.I. for like 3$
Owl Necklace: Kim's Fashion 3$
and the dress: Charlotte Russe 28$
Can you guess what she's going to bee? (;

Rock & Candy 50$

Getting some free pizza! NomNomNom (:

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