Sunday, September 25, 2011

Brielle's First Hike

Living in Utah, obviously there are mountains. So finding a place to hike around here is like living on the coast and finding water. Anyways! My all time favorite hike is Adams Canyon. You get all the way and there is a beautiful waterfall and even if you can't make it to the big waterfall, a little over halfway there is the little waterfall. Jon, Brielle's dad, and I took Brielle up Adams. Unfourtanetly Jon had to work at four and we didn't go until one. We didn't make it to the big or little waterfall. But Brielle had a blast! I have a little backpack to put Brielle in and I carried all the way up and half way down. It was really heavy so I definatley got a workout (: Toward the end she got exhausted and fell asleep.

From here you can see all of Salt Lake and Ogden. So beautiful.

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