Thursday, September 1, 2011

Photo Shoot, Say What?!

Yes, it's true! after almost two years of not showing my gir face, I am trying to get back into modeling. In 09' I had begun modeling and had the chance to travel to New York for an amazing chance to get signed with a few agents. But I got pregnant, put my dream on back burner, and focused on my daughter. No regrets but I have missed the camera being on me. Derricks wonderful mother has a friend who is trying to get a good site going and he asked me to be a model for him. We had a pretty awesome shoot. (:

So all of these were from our first shoot. If you ever wanna check out his work look him up on Facebook. His name is Will Godin or you can just click this link >>
That's his Facebook, his actual site is under maintenance
I've done two photo shoot with him so far. The next is a teaser for the second one (;

When I get more I will be sure to show ya'll! But for now this is all you get (:

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