Thursday, September 8, 2011

50/50 Luck Second Shoot

Alright so after giving ya'll a teaser here is shoot number two with Will Godin. It was sooo much fun and I was a lot more comfortable with myself this time. We went into a haunted old school which was rather creepy, but we got some way good shots. But ever since I left that school, I've been having nightmares about ghost in our house, random shivers and goosebumps, and Brielle acts like she talks to someone at night when she's in her crib. It's pretty creepy. Derrick and my friend say a ghost was attracted to me and followed me home. I think it's silly :p Anyways! Pictures!

 It's like the 70's!

This one is like my all time favorite.
These were just the ones I liked the most (: I have another shoot sometime next week when I can get some time. So more to come!

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