Monday, September 26, 2011

Lunch with Derrick

I love to try new things. I don't care how gross it looks, smells, or feels. I wanna try it! So Derrick said Pad Thai was decent. We went there I got Yellow Curry Chicken and BBQ Pork, I'm still American :p, and then we got a Chai Tea to split.

mmmm :p
That my good friends, is the cutest frikin' mushroom I've ever seen!! :D
After our fairly decent lunch we went to go see Grandma Maria! Brielle loves it there and Maria, Derrick's mom, loves Brielle. First blue eyed baby she's seen in a while (; Brielle loves their dog, Buddy. He's huge and he doesn't like Brielle so much. He went through the doggy door trying to get away from Brielle. Well, she was not having it. She tried her hardest to get through that damn door.
After we said hi to Maria we went to Kohl's, I got Derrick some socks, and he took Brielle and I to Farr's Ice Cream! Brielle loves her ice cream (: We were kind of in a rush to get back home because a new series is starting called Terranova. Derrick said it's now our series and we can't ever miss it. It was a great day for us (:

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