Monday, October 17, 2011

Pumpkin Hunting!

I wanna start this post off by apologizing. Mostly to my family in Florida. I promised you guys I would try and post every other week. And I've been slackin'. But I have good reasoning!!
I have been fairly sick the past couple of weeks. I was in and out of the hospital for about a week straight. I've never been so sick in my life. I had a severe kidney infection, and it almost got into my blood infection and that could have been fatal. Doctors are still surprised that didn't happen. Now before you guys blow up my phone for not telling you, Derrick took very good care of me and after being poked with 6 needles, and getting 5 shots in my ass, I am well on my way to recovery. (: Brielle stayed with her dad's parents. They took very good care of her. I am doing much better and honestly today is the first day I was able to get ready and take care of her on my own. After a week I can say I am so grateful for the people I have in my life (:
Now that I'm back and alive Derrick decided we needed pumpkins to represent our family. So we went to Jack's Great Pumpkin Patch. It was a lot of fun and a pleasure to watch Brielle explore the new area. She loved it the most. Pointing at everything, pulling Derrick and I everywhere, and trying to pick up the pumpkins. She was tuckered out when we got home. The owners absolutely loved her, they gave her a free spider ring that are normally .25 cents. (;

the pumpkin I picked out (:
This pic is adorable (: I love my family <3
happily ever after (:
She wasn't even  scared  of him (: She told him off, and hit him. Attitude! :D
Our pumpkin family. <3
After pumpkin hunting Derrick wanted to treat Brielle. So we went to Burger Stop, and bought her a giant ice cream cone that she inhaled! She loved it.

Messy face (:
With it being October and all major holidays are dawning, I plan on doing a lot, so keep checkin' up guys! Love you all and grateful to have you in my life. (:

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