Thursday, October 27, 2011

Brielle the Bee!

Brielle is goint to be a bee for Halloween! We have lots of fun things planned, and one of those things was getting her pictures done for halloween. We went to Kiddie Kandids with her grandma, Nathalie, who is more like a mom to me than both of my own moms. I love the bond we have. But! We took her and after an hour we got some pretty cute photos. She did absolutely wonderful (:

Since Nathalie took us and we had a girls day together we grabbed a quick bite to eat before the mall closed. Brielle was sooo distracted by the carousel. So I had to take her (: She was so cute. The next pictures arent that great of quality because I'm stuck with a stupid Blackberry ( Crackberry as my friends say ) but they're still pretty cute.
Terrible quality. But it was a wonderful day (:
Have a great Halloween guys! Derrick and I are going to a couple of Haunted houses (:

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