Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A day with Dad!

Brielle's dad and I aren't the greatest of friends. We've been going to classes at Brielle's headstart and they said we should try and spend positive time together. So we hung out all day and didn't fight once. We went shopping for Brielle's Halloween costume and it was beyond fun to watch her play with zombies. We then went to the mall and I bought some super cute new shoes!! :D Since Jon works at Papa John's we got a free pizza for lunch! For being with her dad all day it wasn't that bad of a day (: I'm glad we're raising our daughter right!

My super cute outfit!
Belt: D.I. for like 3$
Owl Necklace: Kim's Fashion 3$
and the dress: Charlotte Russe 28$
Can you guess what she's going to bee? (;

Rock & Candy 50$

Getting some free pizza! NomNomNom (:

Monday, September 26, 2011

Lunch with Derrick

I love to try new things. I don't care how gross it looks, smells, or feels. I wanna try it! So Derrick said Pad Thai was decent. We went there I got Yellow Curry Chicken and BBQ Pork, I'm still American :p, and then we got a Chai Tea to split.

mmmm :p
That my good friends, is the cutest frikin' mushroom I've ever seen!! :D
After our fairly decent lunch we went to go see Grandma Maria! Brielle loves it there and Maria, Derrick's mom, loves Brielle. First blue eyed baby she's seen in a while (; Brielle loves their dog, Buddy. He's huge and he doesn't like Brielle so much. He went through the doggy door trying to get away from Brielle. Well, she was not having it. She tried her hardest to get through that damn door.
After we said hi to Maria we went to Kohl's, I got Derrick some socks, and he took Brielle and I to Farr's Ice Cream! Brielle loves her ice cream (: We were kind of in a rush to get back home because a new series is starting called Terranova. Derrick said it's now our series and we can't ever miss it. It was a great day for us (:

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Brielle's First Hike

Living in Utah, obviously there are mountains. So finding a place to hike around here is like living on the coast and finding water. Anyways! My all time favorite hike is Adams Canyon. You get all the way and there is a beautiful waterfall and even if you can't make it to the big waterfall, a little over halfway there is the little waterfall. Jon, Brielle's dad, and I took Brielle up Adams. Unfourtanetly Jon had to work at four and we didn't go until one. We didn't make it to the big or little waterfall. But Brielle had a blast! I have a little backpack to put Brielle in and I carried all the way up and half way down. It was really heavy so I definatley got a workout (: Toward the end she got exhausted and fell asleep.

From here you can see all of Salt Lake and Ogden. So beautiful.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Nightmare on 13th

Derrick and I absolutley LOVE scary things. Between his movies and mine we have about 150 scary movies. Our collection is pretty awesome. But since it's September and fall is right around the corner, haunted houses are starting to open. Utah has a lot of haunted house. Too many in fact! I hope we can hit all of them this year. My favorites are Nightmare on 13th, The Haunted Forest, and Castle of Chaos. They are making a new one that opens I think at the end of this month. It's in Salt Lake City and it's called Factory. It's an old four story factory that they've redone inside and out. I couldn't find too much information on it but I've driven past it multiple times and honestly I'm stoked! There is also Asylum 49 in Tooele. It's an acutaly haunted hospital that they've made into an amazing spook attraction. Derrick and I already planning on going! Not only does the fact it's actually haunted make it better than most haunted houses, but people can actually touch you and get right in your face. It's supposed to be super scary and I'm stoked! Enough of Haunted Houses 101 though! So Nightmare 13th was beyond awesome! We went with two other couples, Will and Lyndsey and Jordan and Paige. I was the one that was least scared, but they made me lead. I was screaming and kicking. Derrick didn't once let go. There was even one room where Derrick was holding me while I was in the air kicking. It was amazing (: In the middle there was a chainsaw guy and none of us wanted to go through. All of us girls were being absolute panzi's! Derrick grabbed my hand and forced me in then busted up laughing. All and all it was a great way to start the fall season and get in the mood for Halloween.

 Mr. Freddy Krueger there scared me before I even got into the damn booth!!
 Jerk. :p
We were told to scream. Derrick looks like he's going to eat my face! :D

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ziptie Jewelry

One of Derrick's friend, Will, finally found the girl for him! And she's becoming one of my favorite people to hang out with. Lyndsey ( Will's girl ) and I were hanging out in the shop with the boys. We were laughing and giggling but we got bored pretty fast. They were so close to getting Will's car to run so they were almost done but they were taking forever! So we got into Will's ziptie box and just started making random stuff. Bracelets, keychains, and rings. The 500 zipties went down to like 100. It's a good thing our boys love us(;

Our keychains!
My favorite part of the night was when Derrick put a mini on my finger and said "We're "tied" down forever" I couldn't stop laughing! His jokes are silly. I had to explain it to Lyndsey. Zipties. Tied down. (: great night.!
Bracelets and Keychains!! :D
So if you want something no one else has just get some zipties (;

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Helping Derrick in the shop (:

Derrick owns his own shop and he's got a few projects he's working on. He loves when I'm out there with him but it's not that fun to sit in an uncomfortable chair and be blinded by a welder. So I made myself productive and sanded his wheels to his car so I could paint them for him. He's really wanted to do it himself but he hasn't had time. I helped :D It was exhausting and I fell asleep at like ten thirty with a rim in my lap and sandpaper in my hands. It was actually pretty fun (:
Orginally they were totally black. Derrick sprayed some fancy stuff on them to get the top coat off. I had to sand it down so it was all silver.
Straight black.
Before I got my hands on them but after Derrick put acid on them.
After. Clean and fresh! Yeah I'm good (:
Soooo pretty!! :D

After a long days of workin it's time for kisses and bed! <3 love you (:

Monday, September 19, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

50/50 Luck Second Shoot

Alright so after giving ya'll a teaser here is shoot number two with Will Godin. It was sooo much fun and I was a lot more comfortable with myself this time. We went into a haunted old school which was rather creepy, but we got some way good shots. But ever since I left that school, I've been having nightmares about ghost in our house, random shivers and goosebumps, and Brielle acts like she talks to someone at night when she's in her crib. It's pretty creepy. Derrick and my friend say a ghost was attracted to me and followed me home. I think it's silly :p Anyways! Pictures!

 It's like the 70's!

This one is like my all time favorite.
These were just the ones I liked the most (: I have another shoot sometime next week when I can get some time. So more to come!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Photo Shoot, Say What?!

Yes, it's true! after almost two years of not showing my gir face, I am trying to get back into modeling. In 09' I had begun modeling and had the chance to travel to New York for an amazing chance to get signed with a few agents. But I got pregnant, put my dream on back burner, and focused on my daughter. No regrets but I have missed the camera being on me. Derricks wonderful mother has a friend who is trying to get a good site going and he asked me to be a model for him. We had a pretty awesome shoot. (:

So all of these were from our first shoot. If you ever wanna check out his work look him up on Facebook. His name is Will Godin or you can just click this link >>  http://www.facebook.com/5050luck?ref=ts
That's his Facebook, his actual site is under maintenance
I've done two photo shoot with him so far. The next is a teaser for the second one (;

When I get more I will be sure to show ya'll! But for now this is all you get (: