Saturday, December 17, 2011

Saturday from Hell

I had to work Saturday which was fine, I've given up my Saturday's for the past two months. But it took a different turn when one of my co-workers said I either had to close ( so stay 5 more hours ) or babysit for her. I agreed to babysit. She brought her kids to my house. I thought I was only going to be watching one kid. Not two. But that was fine. It was fine until she told me there ages. Brielle is 16 months, so almost a year and a half. Her youngest turns two next month, and her other one turns four in a few months. So I watched three kids that were all less than half a year apart. Derrick and I agreed no babies for a few years. Thank god.
Doesn't everyone sneak pickles at work?? (:
Moments before my house became a playground.
This was the oldest, walking around in my heels saying "look at me now, I get paper!" It was hilarious.
Needless to say my house has never been as hectic and dirty as it was Saturday night.
After a long day we were exhausted. Fell asleep on the couch. Derrick took a picture, carried Brielle to bed, and dragged me to bed.
Hopefully you guys had a better weekend (:

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