Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve!

So Christmas Eve was a blast. I worked until twelve, went home, made dessert, went to my moms party, saw my grandparents for the first time in over a year, and had some yummy crab legs for dinner. ! 
 Eating some yummy Artichoke Dip! 
 Great grandma and cousin Shawn!
 MMMMM Candy canes (: 
 Derrick and my dad talking about cars (:
 My mom and cute nephew! 
Gummy penguins! 
We also went to Derricks uncles house where things were a lot more laid back, Derrick had a few too many beers and maybe one shot too many of whiskey :p Maria and I had some good heart to heart talks with me on our smoke breaks. Gil ( Derrick's uncle ) loved Brielle!! :D I was too busy helping Derrick not fall over that I forgot to take pictures :p But Maria got one of us! not the best of quality but it's cute (: 
We went home, I drove, and we played Santa! (: Derrick was so excited. 

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