Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cinnamon Bears

Ben came up with a brilliant idea! A lot of people have tried soaking Lifesavers in Vodka, but I have never heard of soaking Cinnamon Bears soaked in Hot Damn. Amazing! And super easy to do.
First: Purchase some Hot Damn. Good luck finding 100 Proof in Utah or anywhere other than Wendover (;
Next: Buy some Cinnamon Bears, make sure they aren't child proof :p
Put Cinnamon Bear's in there "grave" Make sure they are fairly flat and not on top of each other.
Now: Drown your Cinnamon Bears!! Make sure they are all under "water"
And then cover.
Let them sit for a couple of hours, and if you have anyone who likes alcoholic things you can put them in goodie bags with a zip tie and use these as a Christmas present!

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