Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Many wonderful and not so grand events leading up to the car ride through Layton Park's lights!

The most awesome pick up line I've ever seen (;
Zayda and Zorro got a ride with us! Zayda got buckled in with her daddy.
My parents wanted us to meet up with them and eat some dinner!
So we went to Olive Garden!
Brielle loves food <3 Terrible red eye!!

I love elephants (:

The Tunnel!
Worst picture of me. I'm not really sure what he's doing :p Just being Derrick I guess. <3
Slowly but surely I'm feeling the Christmas spirit! I've gotten presents for my family, Derrick's family, and a bunch for Brielle. Now I just need to get my wonderful hubby something . I'm super curious as to what he got me! And Brielle. It's driving me crazy. He hasn't even had time! I'm super stoked! have an awesome week you guys!!

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