Monday, November 28, 2011

A Saturday off?!

For the first time in months I had a Saturday all to myself! So I got to sleep in until ten, which is a little too late, and then went to Ben's to kick ass at MW3, and worked out for about three hours. We did P90X ab ripper, legs, and Ben even did Zumba with me!
sweats and boots, terrible combination. But IDGAF! P0WN1N N00BS! :p
When Derrick finally got home he really wanted to go out so we showered together and headed off to meet up with Lindsey and Will.
I didn't realize I was wearing  my glasses, oh jeeze :p
We went to Boondocks again, it's one of our favorite places! We did a game of bowling and laser tag. In laser tag we were all trying to see who was the most James Bond like. I ended up hitting myself in the face with the laser gun and bleeding everywhere. :p
My man is sooo sexy. <3
my lip a few days after I did the damage :p
Derrick tried to win the dolphin from last time we went, again!
Derrick and Will killin some aliens!
We spent the money we set aside for a date and headed to get Brielle, we stopped to get a drink and Derrick got me a Frazil (:
Hope you guys had a great weekend!

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