Saturday, November 5, 2011

Goodbye summer!

I really wanted to make this post before winter hit, but it came out of no where so here it is!

Summer is officially over. No more late night trips to the rope swing with my friends and hubby, no more late night walks, no more crazy parties across the street, no more bikinis, no more zoo's, no more hiking to the waterfalls around, and no more natural tans.

Truth be told when summer time first hit I was partying pretty hard. Having a blast and drinking until 4 or 5 in the morning on the nights I didn't have Brielle. I've met lots of great people ( some not so great ) I've had plenty of hangovers. I made a lot of memories this past summer. I want to share them with you (:
I'll never forget...
Hiking up Adam's Canyon

Shots! No make-up :p
Still having my best friend to this day <3
Loving him forever (: Thanks to Derrick I can check one thing off my bucket list. Kiss under a waterfall <3
Never ending Beer Pong games (:
Hanging out around the campfire in our backyard. <3
Meeting this crazy kid! and  being so drunk I don't remember my black eye :p
Bikini's and pigtails.
Random trips to the zoo.
Meeting scandalous bitches :p
The wonderful trips we went on together.
Awesome adventures with the kids next door.
My best friend throwing parties for me all the time (: moving in, birthday, going away, etc.

And just the plain old crazy nights out :p

But! A lot has changed since the beginning of Summer. Got a job, starting school, and settling down with the man I love. I'm excited for winter to come and spend the holidays with our family's. Nothing makes me happier than Derrick, Brielle and I all snuggled under the covers with our dogs watching t.v. and drinking hot chocolate. If your where the weather is warm enjoy it. And for those of my friends don't hate on the snow. Christmas is right around the corner and the new year is too. (: Have a wonderful Saturday night you guys! Love you all, and never forget who matters most in life. (:

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