Thursday, November 17, 2011


Obviously I think my daughter is the most beautiful to enter this world. What parent doesn't think that? My daughter is an absolute genius though. And in Head Start all of her "art work" is the best in the class. Even the teachers say it's amazing how fast she's learned what takes most students week. First day of holding a paint brush she was dipping it in the paint and then in the water to rinse and back into another color. Genius!!!
One of my favorites to see was "Puffy Painting" and I never thought of this but you take shaving cream and mix it with Elmer's white glue. When it dries it's puffed up off the paper and it's super cute to watch kids play with it. These are just some of the things Brielle has done herself. (; Not for sale. Sorry :p
P.S. Sorry for not writing sooner! With this new job and school it's been a busy month (:

My little girl is gunna be famous (:

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