Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Eight Months

Derrick and I have been together for nine months <3 best nine months of my life (: but this week we have been absolutely spoiling each other. I've been making some pretty damn good food, and he's been taking me out and leaving work early so we can enjoy each other more (: 
My favorite lunch I made for us. Turkey burger with avocado and the last tomato's from my parents garden. All on toasted whole wheat bread, and of course some fresh crisp lettuce (: I like mustard but Derrick hates it! So he took the healthy right out of it by putting Miracle Whip on it. Yuck!
We've also been taking a lot of time to focus on spending time as a family. So Derrick and I have been taking Brielle to Headstart together and we actually volunteered in her classroom for a few hours and earned her class 80 bucks!
We went on a pretty awesome date to Boondocks and Derrick spent a pretty penny trying to win me a dolphin (: He was unsuccessful ): but he bought me ice cream which is my weakness! Hell yeah!
NomNomNom! Birthday cake and Huckleberry!
I love Christmas. and Starbucks.
I also found an awesome recipe for brownies! Some of the best effin brownies I've ever had! I was going to do a whole post about it but I was doing a thousand other things while baking. But! When I went shopping they didn't have any Halloween or Thanksgiving sprinkles, just Christmas. Poor Thanksgiving, it will forever live in the shadow of Christmas :p So! I bought like a six bottle pack of sprinkles and picked out all of the orange, yellow, red, and brown sprinkles. It was ridiculous! But I got a pretty rad picture (:
We were both trying to take a picture at the same time. Fail :p
It's getting cold outside! So grab someone you love and cuddle up (:

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