Monday, November 28, 2011

A Saturday off?!

For the first time in months I had a Saturday all to myself! So I got to sleep in until ten, which is a little too late, and then went to Ben's to kick ass at MW3, and worked out for about three hours. We did P90X ab ripper, legs, and Ben even did Zumba with me!
sweats and boots, terrible combination. But IDGAF! P0WN1N N00BS! :p
When Derrick finally got home he really wanted to go out so we showered together and headed off to meet up with Lindsey and Will.
I didn't realize I was wearing  my glasses, oh jeeze :p
We went to Boondocks again, it's one of our favorite places! We did a game of bowling and laser tag. In laser tag we were all trying to see who was the most James Bond like. I ended up hitting myself in the face with the laser gun and bleeding everywhere. :p
My man is sooo sexy. <3
my lip a few days after I did the damage :p
Derrick tried to win the dolphin from last time we went, again!
Derrick and Will killin some aliens!
We spent the money we set aside for a date and headed to get Brielle, we stopped to get a drink and Derrick got me a Frazil (:
Hope you guys had a great weekend!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Black Friday!

Derrick and I were debating on waking up super early to go fight over something we didn't need. Since Derrick fell asleep on the couch at like 10:00 p.m. I decided we'll just go later and see what was left. Derrick had to work and so did I, but we didn't have Brielle for the night so we decided we'd have a date night and go check out Best Buy for a new TV in the living room. We got a 50" Plazma and it's in December first! I'm excited. Now our wall mount won't look so retarded on our wall without a TV :p But before all that happened, I took a visit to my parent's!
My daddy!
Now she's just as cool as her grandma :p
My mom had cake left over from Thanksgiving. NomNomNom
When Derrick got home we got ready and stopped for a Naked Drink again and after we bought our new TV we went to the mall and Derrick saw some pink Converse and had to get them for Brielle! They are frikin adorable.
So delectable
Converse! They're a little big but they'll fit in a couple of months (:
I'd just got done Skyping with a dear friend who I haven't seen since Brielle was first born. Derrick came in and got to meet her (: I love him so much.
Ben also came over and we played some Black Ops and then went across the street and played MW3. We kick ass :p but he's been buying a lot of products from my work and one of them is BOOM! it gives you a lot of energy.  So we took some of that before we worked out and holy hell. Talk about way too much energy.
Talk about Random.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

To start off I want to tell you guys how wonderful (yet different) of a Thanksgiving this was. This was my first Thanksgiving with my daughter (her dad had her last year) and my first Thanksgiving with Derrick. It was amazing.
The morning started off with Brielle sleeping in until nine. Derrick and I just laid in bed in each others arms just talking, looking up funny YouTube videos, and playing with our two dogs. Once Brielle finally woke up Derrick and I picked up the house and all sat down to eat breakfast. Maria's (Derrick's mom) had asked me to make a dessert. So I made Cinnamon cheesecake bites because it's the one thing I've always made with out doing something wrong to it. Derrick really wanted to help so he beat the cream cheese and sugar together and then him and Brielle licked the spoon and bowl. Super important part in cooking this dessert (; We all started getting spruced up for the day. Brielle got curly pigtails and while I was putting on my make up I learned my hair is long enough to pull all of it up! Finally!
After we got ready we headed to Maria's house. Brielle was immediately taken from me and I was forced to sit down and eat right then and there. His parents are so sweet :p It was a typical Thanksgiving: turkey, stuffing, rolls, salad, sweet potato's, etc. and then some super yummy chili that was surprisingly not too spicy.
I went back four or five times to get more :p It was soo good! Maria gave me a margarita which was actually a lot stronger than I thought it would be. I don't mind!The party really started when Aunt Lisa showed up. I have never seen two women fight over a baby like they fought over Brielle. One minute Maria would have her and the next Lisa was stealing her away! I now have to do joint babysitting custody with them :p Lisa also brought wine! Normally when I go to my parents it's very schedule like. Dinner is at a specific time, dessert is served at a specific time and board games are right after dessert. I never really like it that way but my Grandparents are old fashioned and a tad Mormon so alcohol is never allowed. But Lisa was handing me glasses left and right saying "hurry up and drink this!" By the time we left I was saying I haven't quite mastered walking in heels drunk :p
Not the greatest of pictures but Margarita on the left and Blush Sunset on the right.
Brielle enjoyed her food :p
Great grandpa!
Playing with Lilly's toys and sitting in her Brielle sized chair!
I hate when people "bet" me. It drives me crazy and I feel like I HAVE to prove them wrong! So Derrick said I bet you can't stand on one foot partially drunk in those shoes. After about five or six attempts I succeeded! :D
After a scrumdiliumpcious dinner we were tired and all three of us passed out on the couch. I was laying on Derricks chest with his arms around me, Brielle was laying on my chest with my arms around her and Zorro was laying on Brielle. I wish we could have got a picture of that! (:

Second part of this post, since it is THANKSgiving, I wanna let you know all of the things I'm thankful for.

First thing and above most I'm beyond thankful for my daughter. As little as she is and naive she has made me stronger and a better person. I stood up to someone deceiving not only me but their wife. I lost everything I had to keep my little girl safe. I sobered up. I have been sober for about two years now. I've learned to forgive. My adopted parents. My real mom. And myself. Some people call me a slut or a bad person for having a daughter at such a young age, but honestly without her I'd be one more hood rat on the street. She's changed my life forever. (: <3

Next thing, Derrick. The man who has seen me at some of my worst emotional times and some of my happiest times in my life. He's showed me love, compassion, and a solid relationship. I don't care our friends call us lame because we're the "married" couple. We have each other and any spare time we get should be filled with the other. He completes me. He knows things I don't even think my therapist knows. We've had a rough patch or two (over the same issue) and we've come out stronger every time. Through the late night terrors to the burnt dinners this man loves me and my daughter. He's had an open heart and allowed me in even after some one's hurt him severely. Lately we've been talking about babies and rings and our friends all getting married, and it makes me happy that I'm not scared of that commitment anymore. I love this man more than words can explain, he's shown me the true meaning of love, and he's been a wonderful boyfriend/stepdad. I'm glad he's mine and only mine.

Tuff Coco Puff :p love you. To my family out in Florida and Texas. I love you guys soooo much it's ridiculous. Brian my dad, I don't care what that paternity test said, you are my dad. You have been since I was born. The only person who fought for me. You never walked out. You tried your hardest to stay in my life. I blame Michelle for us losing contact. Seeing you last Christmas meant so much to me. I think of you and the family daily. I look at our pictures and I'm astounded at how much Brielle looks like you and Chelsey. I can't wait for you guys to come to Utah so I can show you My town. You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of a girl. I'm still your country bunken (or did Michelle call me that?) Joshy boy! I'm thankful to be able to call you my brother, momma may not have raised us right but she sure did make some good lookin' kids! I miss you and love you. And to my dearest Emily, I'm thankful for the memories I have with you. Most of my childhood memories consist of us playing in a Barbie Jeep and watching the meteor showers. I love you little sis, I wish I knew where ya were. <3

Thankful for my dogs! The only people who know how to shut up when I'm in serious need of grieving!

I'm thankful for everyone who's entered my life and touched my heart in some way. Everything happens for a reason. Move on, forget, and let yourself live. Learn to forgive the unforgivable. Let go of the hate and you'll notice how much happier you are.
The holiday's always make me want to soul search. Bare with me this next month :p
I love you all.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The (almost) perfect Sunday

Derrick normally has Sunday's  off and this Sunday was no different. He let me sleep in because I've been opening a lot lately and having to wake up at like 5 a.m. When I woke up he was just getting home from Home Depot picking up some insulation for our project that day. He brought me home a surprise (:
A yummy Caramel Apple, Christmas style!
He also knows I'm on a diet (No thanks to my new job) so when I woke up and got dressed breakfast was sitting on the table for me. Grapefruit and a Peanut Butter Granola Bar.

 For the past few days we've been working on one of his projects together, keeping his shop warm. So be sheet rocked the celling this past week and today we blew insulation into the new attic. It was going pretty good until we finished and were trying to clean up and all of a sudden his compressor blew up! Right in his face. If it hadn't been for the welding table he built and the stereo shelf I probably wouldn't have him anymore. It was scary. Luckily it only cut his finger which probably wouldn't have been bad if he had gotten it stitched  up. But my man is a trooper (:
This was the compressor tank that blew up. Scary stuff!
We took a break from working and bundled us all up. We all went outside and played in the leaves and snow. It was cold but a blast! <3
Mismatched beauty! :D
We later went shopping and I spent a way too much money on food but I love to spoil them (: I bought steaks for dinner. Derrick makes a mean steak!
When he brought the steaks to the table he made them look like a heart ((: awee.
I decided we needed a fancy drink for the drive home. So I bought us Naked drinks. Sooo good!
I also bought Brielle some treats. Messy face!
And I bought her some Fruitables. Her favorite. Derrick turned around and was surprised she gulped it down! She loves them!
We had the best dessert ever. Cookie dough. Derrick's idea ^__^
Lazy Sunday's = No make up!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Obviously I think my daughter is the most beautiful to enter this world. What parent doesn't think that? My daughter is an absolute genius though. And in Head Start all of her "art work" is the best in the class. Even the teachers say it's amazing how fast she's learned what takes most students week. First day of holding a paint brush she was dipping it in the paint and then in the water to rinse and back into another color. Genius!!!
One of my favorites to see was "Puffy Painting" and I never thought of this but you take shaving cream and mix it with Elmer's white glue. When it dries it's puffed up off the paper and it's super cute to watch kids play with it. These are just some of the things Brielle has done herself. (; Not for sale. Sorry :p
P.S. Sorry for not writing sooner! With this new job and school it's been a busy month (:

My little girl is gunna be famous (:

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Eight Months

Derrick and I have been together for nine months <3 best nine months of my life (: but this week we have been absolutely spoiling each other. I've been making some pretty damn good food, and he's been taking me out and leaving work early so we can enjoy each other more (: 
My favorite lunch I made for us. Turkey burger with avocado and the last tomato's from my parents garden. All on toasted whole wheat bread, and of course some fresh crisp lettuce (: I like mustard but Derrick hates it! So he took the healthy right out of it by putting Miracle Whip on it. Yuck!
We've also been taking a lot of time to focus on spending time as a family. So Derrick and I have been taking Brielle to Headstart together and we actually volunteered in her classroom for a few hours and earned her class 80 bucks!
We went on a pretty awesome date to Boondocks and Derrick spent a pretty penny trying to win me a dolphin (: He was unsuccessful ): but he bought me ice cream which is my weakness! Hell yeah!
NomNomNom! Birthday cake and Huckleberry!
I love Christmas. and Starbucks.
I also found an awesome recipe for brownies! Some of the best effin brownies I've ever had! I was going to do a whole post about it but I was doing a thousand other things while baking. But! When I went shopping they didn't have any Halloween or Thanksgiving sprinkles, just Christmas. Poor Thanksgiving, it will forever live in the shadow of Christmas :p So! I bought like a six bottle pack of sprinkles and picked out all of the orange, yellow, red, and brown sprinkles. It was ridiculous! But I got a pretty rad picture (:
We were both trying to take a picture at the same time. Fail :p
It's getting cold outside! So grab someone you love and cuddle up (:

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Goodbye summer!

I really wanted to make this post before winter hit, but it came out of no where so here it is!

Summer is officially over. No more late night trips to the rope swing with my friends and hubby, no more late night walks, no more crazy parties across the street, no more bikinis, no more zoo's, no more hiking to the waterfalls around, and no more natural tans.

Truth be told when summer time first hit I was partying pretty hard. Having a blast and drinking until 4 or 5 in the morning on the nights I didn't have Brielle. I've met lots of great people ( some not so great ) I've had plenty of hangovers. I made a lot of memories this past summer. I want to share them with you (:
I'll never forget...
Hiking up Adam's Canyon

Shots! No make-up :p
Still having my best friend to this day <3
Loving him forever (: Thanks to Derrick I can check one thing off my bucket list. Kiss under a waterfall <3
Never ending Beer Pong games (:
Hanging out around the campfire in our backyard. <3
Meeting this crazy kid! and  being so drunk I don't remember my black eye :p
Bikini's and pigtails.
Random trips to the zoo.
Meeting scandalous bitches :p
The wonderful trips we went on together.
Awesome adventures with the kids next door.
My best friend throwing parties for me all the time (: moving in, birthday, going away, etc.

And just the plain old crazy nights out :p

But! A lot has changed since the beginning of Summer. Got a job, starting school, and settling down with the man I love. I'm excited for winter to come and spend the holidays with our family's. Nothing makes me happier than Derrick, Brielle and I all snuggled under the covers with our dogs watching t.v. and drinking hot chocolate. If your where the weather is warm enjoy it. And for those of my friends don't hate on the snow. Christmas is right around the corner and the new year is too. (: Have a wonderful Saturday night you guys! Love you all, and never forget who matters most in life. (: