Friday, November 8, 2013

Finally Friday!

To say the least I have had a very stressful week. 
To start I was late to work every single day this week. On Thursday I had to do a live meeting with our dev team which was basically an hour of me talking and explaining the advantages of different plugins and we needed to add onto those plugins that they can go on ahead and get started on it. I am not a developer, I do not write code. This was a very high stress task. Thirdly I have been a week with no smoking and it just doesn't help. Lastly, I found out some news that just really sends me over the edge. I feel if you can't support the child you have now, DON'T HAVE ANOTHER. But spite my opinion people still do and I just find it incredibly unfair to the unborn child who won't be cherished or loved, the already born child who is already not taken care of, and that persons family who now has more responsibility to take care of there kids. CRAP! On the drive to work this morning I was on the phone with my oh so wonderful mother who is very patienet and eventually she just shut up and let me vent and basically the whole conversation was "That's crap! This is crap! Holy crap!". End rant. but after that I was just over the top and ready to go home. 
Ethan ( as wonderful as he's been ) hals seen my stress, anger, disappointment, and fear this last week and offered me to go to City Creek. 
No hesitation came from that yes, haha I made a funny. 
So! To prepare myself for this all night adventure I have been picturing what I need to add to my wardrobe. Hopefully I can find some good deals! If I do I will post on Saturday for Steal Deal Saturday! 
Some sweet flats similar to these ones on ModCloth ones.
A sweet new jacket similar to this one off of 6pm which has been a favorite lately
And last but not least I have been dying for a pair of burgundy skinny jeans similar to the ones at H&M
Hopefully this goes well and I don't break my bank this week :p

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