Saturday, November 16, 2013

DIY Glitter Cups!

With us preparing to move I've been doing everything I can to prepare and have places for everything. My bathroom is the most disorganized room in our apartment. It's my fault. I'll admit it, I have a problem with smelly good things. There is my confession. So most of the drawers and cabinets are filled with yummy lotions, sprays, soaps and things like that. I don't have a lot of room for make up stuff in my bathroom. I came up with a simple solution! Make a cup to put my brushes in so I'm not losing them in a drawer of lotions. Also decided to make one for ponytails, bobby pins, and barrettes so I don't have to dig every morning.
Cute right? I originally saw this on Pinterest, here.
But her way didn't work for me! ): ( which is why the purple one looks like crap. )
Here's what you will need: 
Mod Podge, Brushes, glitter of your choice, a bowl with cling wrap lined in it, and some simple jars from the dollar store or walmart had some for 67 cents! 
I used a mason jar from Brielle's birthday party.
Next pour some ModPodge in your bowl and dump some glitter on it. Like alot.
Stir it up!
Swirl it around the jar.
I just let this one dry and it didn't turn out but my others one I sprinkled more glitter in the jar and it got way more coverage!
The purple one was used for my makeup brushes. The silver one is for my bobbypins and the blue and silver ( my favorite ) is in my room just to be cute :p

I love these! super easy and super cheap!

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