Monday, April 30, 2012

Girl's weekend!

This weekend was Derrick's Vegas Pro-Am Round 2 and sadly I had to miss it this time because of work on Friday, sad weekend. Luckily my friend Lindsay stayed with me all weekend. We went to my moms Friday night and got facials.  Saturday we ended up making breakfast, watching too many scary movies, getting my tattoo fixed, and playing Xbox since I didn't have Brielle. Sunday the weather warmed up (finally) and we went for an awesome hike up Adam's Canyon. Linny has bad asthma and didn't have her inhaler, so we didn't even make it half way up before we turned around and went back down. Even though I couldn't be there for Derrick it was a great weekend with the only true friend I have left. (: 
 A little dry in this picture but looks SOOOO much better.
Good tattoos aren't cheap, cheap tattoo's aren't good. 
I've learned my lesson. If it's not a legit tattoo parlor. Don't go! 
 Rockin' the boyfriends hoodie! 
 On our way up
 The view
 The nature <3

On the way down.
All and all it was a decent weekend. I was so happy to have Derrick come home. Even though we video chatted everyday it just wasn't the same without him. Hope everyone had an awesome weekend and congrats to my babe for doing a good job at Vegas (: 

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