Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day!

A lot has happened and it's been a while since I've posted anything. Derrick and I took a dive and decided we should take separate paths. I moved out and I am glad to say I own my apartment just Brielle and I. I love it! 

Any who! Mothers Day! It was such a wonderful day. A family friend had told me to text one of my dearest friends who I lost touch with after I had Brielle and it was the best idea ever. He came over mothers day, took me to breakfast, brought me flowers, and gave me my first bullet bike ride. It was a rush and sooo much fun. It was nice to spend time with someone who was happy to have me with them. After breakfast he took me back to my moms and helped set up for our little family party. Brielle came home after spending some time with her grandma and letting me have a break. My mom always has amazing family parties. It was nice to see some family I hadn't seen in a while. Even after the tears and break up I was reminded of how many people I have who truly love and care for not only me but my daughter as well. It was only my second mothers day but it was my favorite so far (: 
I hope all of you got to enjoy being with your mothers and being spoiled for a day. 
 Brielle's teachers made me a whole tub of these cupcakes. This was my favorite saying
 My beautiful flowers from Freddie

 Lobster for dinner!

 Brielle exploring
 Jack under the table and everyone enjoying everyone
 Everybody loves cake!

 Brielle and grandma
This is a new chapter in my life. Life's greatest lessons are always the most difficult. 
Happy mothers day everyone. <3

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