Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day

Freddie and his family invited me up to their cabin, in Idaho, for memorial day weekend. It rained most the weekend but it was so nice to get away from the city and breathe some fresh air. First night was just Freddie, his twin, Marquee, and me. We had a lot of fun just laughing and being a little tipsy. I ended up holding poor Marquee's hair for an hour but what are girl friends for? (: Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday we pretty much sat by the fire, watched movies, and played cards. It might not sound exciting but it was nice to catch a break and just relax. I missed Brielle quite a bit and that's the longest I've ever been away from her but her grandma sent me a few pictures to let me know she was doing alright. Monday the sun decided to poke out so we went to the pool but sadly didn't have time for the hot pots but it was still a nice day that ended with some amazing pizza! I felt like being a photographer and I got some really neat shots.(:

 My snack for the ride there

 Phase 10!

I just want to say how grateful I am to all the men and woman in the army. I've lost an amazing step dad and an uncle to the war. This is their day. I'm also grateful to Freddie who also serves our country and has helped me get on my feet and move on.

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