Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Lovers Day!

Valentines Day! Yes! I was soooo stoked for this day. Sadly I didn't get to spend it with my honey or my little girl :/ I went to school were we had a Potluck type deal. I brought lemon bars, I'll have to get a recipe up soon, it is family so consider yourself lucky. I made my wonderful boyfriend Red Velvet pancakes with cream filling. It was beyond amazing! I took some to my parents also. Then  after school I had to work until nine at night, Derrick had picked up Brielle so I could put her to bed myself, I love how thoughtful he is.

 School Cupcakes
 Chocolate strawberries!
Kaylee and I (:
We didn't really go all out on gifts, I believe you should love your significant other everyday and they deserve treats and goodies more than just once a year. But I did get Derrick another magazine, ( I am amazed at how expensive those damn things are ) his favorite chocolates, Queen Anne Milk chocolate Cordial Cherries, and a really cute card. He had asked what I wanted and I had no idea. So when I got off work I came home to an almost spotless house. And he said either in Vegas or after Vegas he wants to take me to a jewelry store and have me pick out a love pendant. Which is more than perfect. So he will be paying off some of my bills which means SO much to me and I will be shopping soon (:
The next day when I woke up there was a beautiful long slender box next to me on the bed. I opened it up and to my surprise he got me something I've wanted for a while now..........
Extensions! :D They look short here but they're a decent length.

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