Sunday, January 15, 2012

Last free week

This is my last week of just hanging out. No more gym everyday for 2 hours, no more MW3 with friends, hanging out with my little girl all day, and spending Derrick's days off just cuddling in bed watching Netflix. School starts Tuesday. So I thought I'd make this week go out with  a bang (: I had so much fun this week.
 New slippers. (: soooo comfy.
 Went shopping in my parent's closet. 
Shirt WAS my dad's. From Eddie Bauer
Belt WAS my moms. From the DI 
Carriage Necklace: Charlotte Russe 
Purse WAS my mom's from an antique shop on the Oregon Coast.
Shoes: Rock and Candy.
 Adorable  necklace (:
Up close 
Re-painted my nails before I start school.
 SOOOO cute!
Baby Girl got some Sunglasses <3
 Date night playing cool and drinkin' some beers.
Love this girl!! :D 
Lazy days with my honey and fur babies (:
All and all this last week has gone out with a bang! I'm way excited for school though. I cannot wait! Have a wonderful Martin Luther King Day (:

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