Monday, January 30, 2012


I've been super busy lately! But I have managed to make a few good meals for my wonderful family. 
My mom gave me a fancy cooking tool, not sure of the name. It is old fashioned and my mom said it's basically an antique but everything is an antique to her :p
So I used this not so fancy tool and made a super healthy Lasagna. 
What you'll need:
1 1/2 lbs. Hamburger meat ( I prefer the 93% and 7% fat because lately I'm a health freak)
3/4 of a whole onion
3 links of Italian Sausage. ( Not the breakfast sausage, just the regular stuff.)
A bushel of Broccoli
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1 tsp. of Cilantro, Tarragon, and pepper ( That's all I used but you can obviously add more )
1 box of lasagna noodles
and last but not least mozzarella cheese and Parmesan cheese.
Preheat oven to 400 F. Soak your noodles as your prepping the "stuffing" as I like to call it. 
This is the fancy tool. It can grind things, shred, and dice things super small! 
So shred your carrots, onion, broccoli and sausage together. I like to throw the sausage in here because it will take off the outer skin, which is really nice.
Now mush your beef in with it and mix all that up super well. What's nice is if you do your veggies small enough your kids will eat it without being grossed out by "veggies".
I got fresh cilantro because it taste better, a lot. So add as much as you want! 
Hopefully your noodles are decently soft. Spray your pan so your noodles don't stick, then make one stack of noodles across the bottom and add your meat to the next one. Keep doing that until you run out of room or run out of meat. but try to make sure you get a decent layer of your meat on top. 
In the end it should look pretty good, I like to sprinkle cheese lightly on each layer and a teeny little bit on the top layer. depending on what size pan and how thick you "stuffing" is will depend on how long to bake it for. I cooked mine for a half hour. Make sure you cover it with Tinfoil!! About 5-10 minutes before it's ready add more cheese to the top layer (: Enjoy! 

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