Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hello 2012!

I'm determined to make this year beautiful! And so far it's had a great start. Derrick and I are both trying to be more positive about things. Not let stupid things get to us. A few things in particular. For the both of us it's money. We aren't that tight on money so there isn't a need to stress. For him it's not let certain people get to him no matter how much they harass. He's done great at the one! For me it's not let my family's opinion affect me and how I live. I'm my own person and an adult now. I should live for me (: and that's what I'm doing! I've also  been hitting the gym every other day with the kids next door! We go hard! :D 

 Derrick and I took a beautiful drive <3
 Thanks for making me  fish sticks babe. You are a dork.

 Derrick said this is black mail. I think it's adorable! <3 
 He took this said it was black mail, hell no. This pic is beautiful. I love Brielle.
 Someday this will be a black mail pic for Brielle :p
doing work! Hitting up the gym!
Bed time! 
Day Three without any cigarettes. ! Derrick and I are probably going to change our numbers so we can live our life with out anyone who doesn't deserve our respect or time interrupting the life and happiness and we are creating for ourselves. For those that matter, I will be sure you guys get the new numbers (:  This is going to be a great year. I can tell <3

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