Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Go with the Flow

This month is seeming to fly by! I start Cosmetology on January 17th! Woo!! 
A lot has happened already, it's been a great start to the new year. Derrick keeps wanting to take Brielle and I out. We are spending so much time as a family! Derrick switched jobs so we've been able to do a lot more. So here's a peak at my week! 

Our latest date we went to Pad Thai, ordered two Thai tea's ( I am addicted ) I got the YellowCurry Chicken and Derrick got Drunken noodles, and of course two spring rolls! :D We then went to   Office Depot because Derrick has been begging me to help him get organized, we finally had time and that what we did (:
Another date we met up with Sam and Kathy and went to the movies to see Sherlock Holmes, which was intense and awesome! :D
We are also doing home renovations! Derrick put a new mirror in that is girl friendly (: 
 Did my nails! RockStar Pink <3
Got some snow in Utah.. Finally.
Celebrated my big brothers birthday (:

Zayda got shaved. :p 
 I went shopping. 400 dollars later and there is no room in our freezer, fridge, or pantry.
 Lemon poppy seed muffins. Yum! 
Reese's peanut butter cups. Between me and Derrick we ate a jumbo bag in one day. :p
Brielle is in her big girl bed. Derrick was so awesome with her first night. He helped take apart the crib and we painted this forever ago, but she had the hardest time falling asleep so he came in all three of us squished on her bed and fell asleep together. <3
Oh hey mom, I am the destroyer of worlds. Let me just shut this door :p 
I love my family <3 

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