Monday, January 30, 2012

Busy Body!

These past few weeks have flown by! Derrick's birthday is coming up, then Valentines day, then our one year anniversary, then the first drift event. I'm going crazy! I've got a big anatomy test tomorrow so this past week I've been a nerd and studying all week. I went shopping and thanks to all my gift cards from Christmas I got two pairs of boots, 3 shirts, a pair of jeggings, and a ring all for $3.03. There were some awesome deals going on :p
It snowed a bunch! Finally. 
New boots, and I brought out D&G purse <3 
New ring, love it! 
The sun was setting and the mountains were really pretty,  but this picture does not show either of those :p
Went to Tanglewood on Friday, and I decided that I want a Chinchilla! 

Mine and Brielle's coloring <3
 love my little girl, and she loved my spaghetti last night :p
 Cutest messy face award? Yes. 
Date night, Derrick was so cute. We went to classic with our friends Will and Lyndsey and we skated, played laser tag, and since I knew the manager we got to stay after they were closed and play on the bounce area. We had so much fun and it was so nice to feel like a kid again. <3
The cutest part and best part of the night was when Derrick won me a fake little ring and did a fake little proposal it was hilarious but adorable (: 
I love him <3 It's not real... yet (;


I've been super busy lately! But I have managed to make a few good meals for my wonderful family. 
My mom gave me a fancy cooking tool, not sure of the name. It is old fashioned and my mom said it's basically an antique but everything is an antique to her :p
So I used this not so fancy tool and made a super healthy Lasagna. 
What you'll need:
1 1/2 lbs. Hamburger meat ( I prefer the 93% and 7% fat because lately I'm a health freak)
3/4 of a whole onion
3 links of Italian Sausage. ( Not the breakfast sausage, just the regular stuff.)
A bushel of Broccoli
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1 tsp. of Cilantro, Tarragon, and pepper ( That's all I used but you can obviously add more )
1 box of lasagna noodles
and last but not least mozzarella cheese and Parmesan cheese.
Preheat oven to 400 F. Soak your noodles as your prepping the "stuffing" as I like to call it. 
This is the fancy tool. It can grind things, shred, and dice things super small! 
So shred your carrots, onion, broccoli and sausage together. I like to throw the sausage in here because it will take off the outer skin, which is really nice.
Now mush your beef in with it and mix all that up super well. What's nice is if you do your veggies small enough your kids will eat it without being grossed out by "veggies".
I got fresh cilantro because it taste better, a lot. So add as much as you want! 
Hopefully your noodles are decently soft. Spray your pan so your noodles don't stick, then make one stack of noodles across the bottom and add your meat to the next one. Keep doing that until you run out of room or run out of meat. but try to make sure you get a decent layer of your meat on top. 
In the end it should look pretty good, I like to sprinkle cheese lightly on each layer and a teeny little bit on the top layer. depending on what size pan and how thick you "stuffing" is will depend on how long to bake it for. I cooked mine for a half hour. Make sure you cover it with Tinfoil!! About 5-10 minutes before it's ready add more cheese to the top layer (: Enjoy! 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

One week down

My first week of Cosmo is done! First test I took got the highest score. A 97% because I'm awesome like that. My kit weighs about 100 pounds and they expect me to carry it on my shoulder in an ugly duffel bag. This weekend I am looking for a cuter one. Derrick has been an awesome support and brought me a surprise (:

I was amazed when he walked in the door with these. (: Ten months of living together and I couldn't ask for anything or one better than him <3
It's official (:
Derrick asked me to cut his hair and I did. (: But I went the extra mile and instead of just buzzing it I did a finger length cut. ( He's looks really sad and that because he was looking at the drift event schedule and learned we only have three weeks to finish his car until the first event ): Which is no where near enough time )
Brielle is still as cute and perfect as ever. We are getting mommy daughter pictures done tomorrow! :D

Oh... and ON ACCIDENT I cut Brielle's hair ): I was trying to cut out a pony tail and I took out a pretty decent sized lock of hair out :/ Still devastated.

After my fist day of school I was so excited I surprised Derrick before he got home and made an amazing braised beef, Portabello mushroom tortellini. It was to die for and beyond wonderful.

And I made my first home made cinnamon strusell muffins. (: They were all gone in one night!
Oh and of course Pho for our date night. (:
Not to brag, but how many people can rock these aprons??
Hopefully this next week goes as smooth as last week did! (:

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Last free week

This is my last week of just hanging out. No more gym everyday for 2 hours, no more MW3 with friends, hanging out with my little girl all day, and spending Derrick's days off just cuddling in bed watching Netflix. School starts Tuesday. So I thought I'd make this week go out with  a bang (: I had so much fun this week.
 New slippers. (: soooo comfy.
 Went shopping in my parent's closet. 
Shirt WAS my dad's. From Eddie Bauer
Belt WAS my moms. From the DI 
Carriage Necklace: Charlotte Russe 
Purse WAS my mom's from an antique shop on the Oregon Coast.
Shoes: Rock and Candy.
 Adorable  necklace (:
Up close 
Re-painted my nails before I start school.
 SOOOO cute!
Baby Girl got some Sunglasses <3
 Date night playing cool and drinkin' some beers.
Love this girl!! :D 
Lazy days with my honey and fur babies (:
All and all this last week has gone out with a bang! I'm way excited for school though. I cannot wait! Have a wonderful Martin Luther King Day (:

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Go with the Flow

This month is seeming to fly by! I start Cosmetology on January 17th! Woo!! 
A lot has happened already, it's been a great start to the new year. Derrick keeps wanting to take Brielle and I out. We are spending so much time as a family! Derrick switched jobs so we've been able to do a lot more. So here's a peak at my week! 

Our latest date we went to Pad Thai, ordered two Thai tea's ( I am addicted ) I got the YellowCurry Chicken and Derrick got Drunken noodles, and of course two spring rolls! :D We then went to   Office Depot because Derrick has been begging me to help him get organized, we finally had time and that what we did (:
Another date we met up with Sam and Kathy and went to the movies to see Sherlock Holmes, which was intense and awesome! :D
We are also doing home renovations! Derrick put a new mirror in that is girl friendly (: 
 Did my nails! RockStar Pink <3
Got some snow in Utah.. Finally.
Celebrated my big brothers birthday (:

Zayda got shaved. :p 
 I went shopping. 400 dollars later and there is no room in our freezer, fridge, or pantry.
 Lemon poppy seed muffins. Yum! 
Reese's peanut butter cups. Between me and Derrick we ate a jumbo bag in one day. :p
Brielle is in her big girl bed. Derrick was so awesome with her first night. He helped take apart the crib and we painted this forever ago, but she had the hardest time falling asleep so he came in all three of us squished on her bed and fell asleep together. <3
Oh hey mom, I am the destroyer of worlds. Let me just shut this door :p 
I love my family <3