Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Burnin' our past!

Alright, So I live across the street from my best friend Benjamin Jones ( Benji )
On July 16th Benji had a brilliant idea that we should burn the bad things from our past.
Pictures of ex girlfriends/boyfriends, old love notes, and bad things we used to do.
So we got a barrel, gathered our shit, threw it in, poured some gas on it, and lit it up.
A little bit of gasoline (: I love how he has gloves on. Like thats going to help.
Kerosene?Hmmmm, what's this do ? (:
Guess we will find out
burn!! :D
The best friend and I (:

Bens pretty bamf.

Two thumbs up (:


Phahahahha (:

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