Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ben's Cabin for My Birthday!

My 18th birthday was August 27th. Friday, the day before, Benji said we should go up to his cabin for my birthday! I had a tattoo appointment at 5:00 and we decided we'd go right after.
Tatted up baby(;
After this was finished we hurried up to the house, packed, went to Smith's where Derrick bought steak and shrimp for my birthday dinner, and then we were off on our adventure (: It's a four hour drive to the cabin from where we live. That's a really long time for three ADHD people. Jus' sayin'.

Pit Stop! Ben dumping! Uh-OH!
Aweeeee. We were passed the eff out.
Cookin Dinner
Vaccuming cause I can't go to bed with a dirty house!!

 Little Brush Cave. So uncomfortable!

 Derrick tells me how sexy his back is. So I got a pic of it (;

Ben kissin Derrick's fish (;

 Toothbrush Cave. (:
Breakfast before we go (: Cooked by Derrick the CHEF!! :D

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