Thursday, December 1, 2011

Festival of Trees!

Festival  of Trees is an annual tree festival :p every year people decorate trees in loving memory of those children they've lost. They then sell the tree's for ridiculous amounts of money and all of the proceedings go to Primary Children's Hospital. This really means a lot. When I was only 15 I was life lighted to this hospital because I had dislocated a couple of bones while snowboarding. It's not like I was going to die but they made sure I was safe and that wouldn't come close to dying. They took all precautions to make sure I was OK. The hospital is absolutely amazing and I love this annual benefit that they do. Anyways! I got the day off, my parents asked Derrick and I to go. Derrick came home early and cancelled some of his jobs so he could come spend time with us. It meant a lot (: We got there and couldn't find any parking! We ended up walking like a mile to get inside and when we got in we went to strap Brielle into her stroller and the straps had frozen and broke off. It was funny but kind of inconvenient.
This place was packed! and huge!
One of my absolute favorite trees was the Barbie tree! It was creative! There were also tons of handcrafted things, and a few of them were hand crafted Barbie Dream Houses. They were beautiful with a lot of thought and heart put into them.
There was thousands and thousands of trees! I took pictures of some of my favorites (:
People got so creative! I was amazed at all the colors and ideas.
There were a ton of Candy Cane type trees and I thought they were gorgeous and so much fun! They were all unique even though they had the same theme.
These two were my favorite Peppermint themed ones (:
Since all the proceedings went to Primary Children's Hospital my mom insisted on buy us some yummy treats! Brielle got chocolate covered bears, Derrick and my dad got a bunch of divinity ( which I snuck a bite of Derricks ) my dad got a brick of fudge, and I got a wonderful Pumpkin Spice cupcake! I really wanted some Pumpkin Chocolate chip cookies but they were all out ):
Divinity. <3
All and all it was an amazing way to get mine and Derrick's Christmas spirit into gear! A wonderful night with my family also.
Brielle and grandpa (:
Brielle and grandma (:
Hope you all have happy holidays (:

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