Monday, December 19, 2011

Decorative Monday!

We finally decorated our trees! The Monday before Christmas :p It was so cute. Brielle had a blast hanging ornaments and having her Daddy Derrick and I help her (: We put her Christmas presents under the tree and she didn't even try open them yet :p She's such a good girl. 
Derrick had begged me to stay home from school, and I gave in. We cuddled all morning and then went and got some Pho and Bobba Drinks! :D He spoils me. <3
 Peach Bobba
Watermelon Bobba ( My favorite ) and the extras for Pho, Yummy! 
Daddy Derrick and Brielle <3 
Our lovely Ice cream and Cupcake Ornaments <3 
Christmas tree Oh Christmas tree (: 
Derrick fails as a Photographer. :p 
Yay! For some reason the lights were flickering on one tree. After (:
Zayda and Daddy <3
Happy Holidays! 

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