Friday, December 30, 2011


My brother who is like 5 years older than me is moving to Portland! He promised to get his niece something and take his little sister out for a treat before he left! So we went shopping and he got Brielle two adorable bows! We then went out to Pace's and got Rainbow Floats. Yummy! 
 Baby Prison :p
 You got me lifted feeling so gifted

Suga how'd you get so fly?

 Uncle Richey, Your taking me away from toys. TF you thinkin' 
 Bow #1 only 6 bucks!
 Tattoos?? New addition's coming soon (;
 Fat asses! 
Brielle, where the hell do you store it all?!
Awesome way to the end year! Sober and shopping <3 

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