Wednesday, December 7, 2011


This week I felt like the Energizer bunny. I just kept going and going and going. I was living off of like five hours of sleep for a full week. I ended up getting a second seasonal job  because the pay is unbelievable. So I'm working every Friday through Sunday from 9 AM to 11 PM and also going to school Monday through Thursday from 9 AM to 1 PM. That leaves me Thursdays to do every one's laundry, go grocery shopping, and spend time with my baby girl and wonderful hubby. It's insane! So any chance I can get I've been spoiling myself. Peppermint shakes, Boboa Drinks, and getting my hair done. I've enjoyed having the extra money to take myself and Brielle out.
MMMMMM Pineapple.
Rockin the boyfriends shirt, new hair!
We also had hurricane winds this last week. It was scary. Our fence would blow down and touch the ground then go back up. This house was seven houses down from us and it caught fire. They lost their dog, and most of their belongings we're trying to find a way to help them out for Christmas, lately we've just been helping them and the clean up crew try and sift through the rubble. It's been really hard on me to watch them in pain :/
R.I.P Dusty. ):
Oh, Derrick also made my car sound like a beast. (; Thanks babe.
Hopefully I can stay this busy until Christmas! Hope you guys are getting ready for the holidays and staying positive (:

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