Saturday, December 31, 2011


My little girl is most definitely spoiled! She's always matching and always dressed to impressed. :p
So today, since she's going to grandma Nathalie's I wanted to dress her cute for New Year's Eve. 
Style: Preppy! 

I ordered these not to long ago, and they're still a little big but they're actual Sperry Topsider's. She rocks them! They were about 30 bucks and she got them for Christmas! So cute pumpkin! 

Friday, December 30, 2011


My brother who is like 5 years older than me is moving to Portland! He promised to get his niece something and take his little sister out for a treat before he left! So we went shopping and he got Brielle two adorable bows! We then went out to Pace's and got Rainbow Floats. Yummy! 
 Baby Prison :p
 You got me lifted feeling so gifted

Suga how'd you get so fly?

 Uncle Richey, Your taking me away from toys. TF you thinkin' 
 Bow #1 only 6 bucks!
 Tattoos?? New addition's coming soon (;
 Fat asses! 
Brielle, where the hell do you store it all?!
Awesome way to the end year! Sober and shopping <3 

Monday, December 26, 2011

5 Mile Pass

In my family it is tradition to go four wheeling on Christmas Day. My dad couldn't get it off this year so we went the 26th and had a blast! Normally we pull sleds behind the four wheeler's but there is no snow this year. Derrick's cousin let us borrow his Rhino and my parents had their four wheeler's and they even brought mine! We had so much fun, we came inside the trailer and were covered in dirt! Derrick and I took turns driving the Rhino and after I warmed up a little ( It was 20 degrees outside ) I hopped on my four wheeler and we rode all day! 
 My papa! :D 
Love of my life
Our love is pretty bad ass :p
 Just going down a mountain, no big deal :p
My adorable parents!
After a long day of four wheeling, left overs from Christmas for lunch, and loading everything up, my parents were starving and so were we! So we ended up going to Guadalahonky's Restaurant. Mexican food with great parking for our trailers (:
 Dad did the sampler platter. It came with Tamale's, re-fried beans, quesadilla's, Navajoes taco's, street taco's, and fish taco's! He ended up taking half of it home :p
 Mom got fish taco's
 Derrick got street tacos
 awesome face mom (:
Cutest couple <3
Oh and I found this super cute picture of Derrick giving me his puppy dog eyes :p
No need to say why. :p Love my family and the holidays!! 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

We had to wake up super early so Brielle could open her presents before her grandparents came and got her! So we were up super early and Brielle was not having it, but once she realized she could finally open the presents she went crazy! 
Brielle asleep (: 

 Our dogs loved their toys! 
He loves the shirt I got him! :D

Derrick putting together the kitchen set he got our girl <3
This is two of the three things Derrick got me. (: Thanks baby!! 
Hahahaha, Ben like his present :p 
This was just the beginning of our Christmas! :D 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve!

So Christmas Eve was a blast. I worked until twelve, went home, made dessert, went to my moms party, saw my grandparents for the first time in over a year, and had some yummy crab legs for dinner. ! 
 Eating some yummy Artichoke Dip! 
 Great grandma and cousin Shawn!
 MMMMM Candy canes (: 
 Derrick and my dad talking about cars (:
 My mom and cute nephew! 
Gummy penguins! 
We also went to Derricks uncles house where things were a lot more laid back, Derrick had a few too many beers and maybe one shot too many of whiskey :p Maria and I had some good heart to heart talks with me on our smoke breaks. Gil ( Derrick's uncle ) loved Brielle!! :D I was too busy helping Derrick not fall over that I forgot to take pictures :p But Maria got one of us! not the best of quality but it's cute (: 
We went home, I drove, and we played Santa! (: Derrick was so excited. 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Prep!

I definately procrastinated the Christmas shopping this year. So I got one of best friends to go with me and help me out! :D She gets an A+.
We got shopping done for Derrick, Ben, Brielle, Lilly, my dad, my brother, and I got Derrick and I a little something too (;
Love ya girly! 
We went to the mall and they have a little play area for kids, Brielle had a blast.
She laughed and giggled the whole time! Then screamed and kicked when it was time to leave.
So cute!! 
The slide was her favorite! 
She had so much fun she passed out in the car! 
After the mall I took Brielle home for a nap, and her grandparents wanted to see her for a little bit and take her out to dinner, I had no problem with that. They came and got her and I had my friend for like 5 years come and pick me up. We went to his house and played Skyrim. Which is now what I want for Derrick. We went to get food at Beto's and ended up getting kicked out :p I love my crazy friends! 
I'm just not going to go into details. :p
Three more days until Christmas!