Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial day everyone! Memorial day every year is a tough one for me. The whole reason I moved to Utah is because my blood mother married someone in the air force and we got stationed out here. He was the most amazing step dad I had ever had. Before he left my blood mom he swore to me that he would come back for me when he was done serving our country. Sadly a few months later we got the call that he had died fighting for our country. Things turned out in the end of course because I got adopted by the most incredible family, but for so many years before I met my adopted family I wondered how much better things would have been. I miss him like crazy to this day. He's forever in my heart. 
Ethan's brother served our country as well. He died six years ago in a fatal motorcycle accident. When Ethan and I first met in high school it hadn't even been a year since his brother passed away. Ethan has come such a long ways and I'm so proud of him for working through everything instead of just acting like it didn't happen. 
R.I.P Kasey Hunt and Gary Holley. Thank you for all that you did for us. 
To celebrate Kasey's life we went to Fort Douglas to put some flowers on his grave and pay him a visit. Sadly Gary wasn't buried in Utah so I just had to keep him  in my thoughts. It was a very calm and relaxing day. We spent it with Ethans parents. 

 After visiting Kasey we went to Ethan's and had a nice BBQ with his family and played in the pool.