Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy Easter!

For Easter I took the weekend off and drove down to St. George to be with my family. First time in years everyone has agreed to meet up spend a holiday as one happy family. Well it didn't turn out that way, everyone ended up fighting and just my grandparents, my parents, Brielle, and I were left at the campsite. We made the best of the situation. We all colored eggs, went four wheeling through the dunes, went to the Indian ruins, and enjoyed some good dutch oven food. Sadly Brielle still hasn't got to meet any of her cousins but at least she had her great grandparents all to herself! 
 The Indian writings (:
 Brielle and grandma
 My little poser
 My mini me
 Breaking stuff
 Only flower I found in the desert ):
 Grandpa helping Brielle color her eggs
 Our eggs. They have adorable faces
 Brielle and grandpa at the pilgrim fort
 Brielle and grandma on the fourwheeler
 Shooting my daddy's 22 AR
 Grandpa with his old school 22 AR
 Clouds were so pretty (:

 Egg dye cups
I love this picture <3
Regardless of all the family tension it was a wonderful Easter and I'm just happy to have my parents back in my life. I don't know what I would do without them. Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!