Friday, March 8, 2013

Whiskey Grilled Salmon

It's been a while! I promise I'm going to get better about blogging and start making it a normal thing again. I've missed all of you. To the multiple people who have sent me messages asking if I'm alive, why yes I am! I appreciate the concern guys (: you all are awesome. Anyways, on to my new mouth watering recipe! Whiskey grilled salmon. Delicious, I know. I was surprised at how easy this recipe was and how amazing it tasted! I've been searching for a salmon recipe that wouldn't take all day and something I could play with to make my own. This is it. I got it from my wonderful grandma who actually used beer. Wasn't my favorite at first, but then I found another recipe similar to my grandmas but it used whiskey ( cooking with alcohol has been one of my favorite ways to cook lately ) I decided to try it. But I mixed the recipes, praying it wouldn't ruin it, it is seriously amazing. (As my boyfriend would say) *awesome Zohan voice* it's de best! 
What you will need:
1 FULL fillet of salmon. Whatever kind you like. 
         1/2 cup of whiskey. I used my good friend Jack Daniels. But he can be pricy. 
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup soy sauce. I like to use low sodium just because we are watching our sodium intake in my house
1 tbs honey 
1/2 tsp ginger
Salt and pepper 

Start off by warming your grill, or if your broke, the over the stove skillet. *cough cough* While that is warming up, in a small sauce pan mix your whiskey, brown sugar, soy sauce, honey, and ginger. Bring this to a high boil. I mean high. After a couple of minutes of it boiling turn the heat down to a low setting and get ready to stir. It should start to thicken. Once it has thickened a little take the sauce pan off all heat. Before I go in further I want to give you a little one on one with grilling. I know when I moved out at 17 I didn't know much about grilling. So just in case someone doesn't know this, salmon will stick to the grill. As will vegetables. So take out a decent size of tin foil. Most people say fold up the edges to makes walls so grease doesn't drip out but I like to roll it. But this on your grill and bam. You're ready to throw your salmon on the fire! Before you do that rub your salmon down with salt and pepper. put it on the grill and brush on your whiskey. I use a basting brush because its easy as hell but you can pour it I guess. The way you know it is done is when you take your fork and poke the salmon, it will piece apart. You are ready to eat! Unless you want sides. We grilled asparagus to go with it. But my wonderful boyfriend and I ate 4 1/2 pounds of salmon to ourselves soooooo. Yeah. We didn't eat much of anything else. 

Well you guys have an awesome week! Enjoy!

 And just to show you guys how broke I am right now, my recipe cards are index cards :p