Friday, November 9, 2012

Beauty School Junkie

I love beauty school
  Beautiful people
 Doing my own nails. not to shabby
 Skunk tail!
 Having your guy friends come in to get there nails done

 for doing my own I did pretty good (:
And even more change!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Throw Back Thursday

Found the only pictures of me and my siblings together <3 so happy.
 The only picture of my brother, sister, and me that I have. Also the only picture of my mother
 I'm left one, I'm amazed at how much my daughter looks like me. My chubby lil' Emily on the right (:
 Emily and I, chuck-e-cheese
It's been awesome having two families again. For the longest time I had no contact with my siblings. Took me eight years for my brother to find me and thirteen years for me to find my sister. I'm so happy to have them back in my life. (: