Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Happy Halloween everybody! 
Brielle was strawberry shortcake which, thank you to my wonderful boyfriend, turned out perfect with the spray paint for her hair, the costume, the tights, and the bag. 
I hadn't planned on dressing up but my wonderful sister-in-law insisted. I was wearing black skinny jeans with blacks boots, she gave me a black shirt, put a D battery in a sock and safety pinned it to my butt, then glued black paper to a headband and drew some whiskers on me. We had a blast trick or treating in my boyfriends neighborhood even though he couldn't be with us because of work. Brielle got a lot of king sized candy bars and a bunch of compliments on her adorable-ness!

 Special wine sale! :D

 My sexy pumpkin
In school I've learned theatrical make up and I've mastered it!

Just some of the fun stuff I did this week!