Friday, March 16, 2012

Happy Anniversary

It's hard to believe but I've been with man of my life for a year <3 It's been rough and easy at the same time and it's smooth sailing from here
For our one year mark we went to Benihana's and spent a pretty penny and we headed to boondocks and drifted Go-Karts (: it was epic. 

 Caterpillar roll
 mushroom soup
 Derricks lobster tail, sooo good (: 

Sunday, March 11, 2012


I finally got another tattoo. It's not finished but will be on Friday! I hate when people get stuff that means nothing to them . I made sure this tattoo incorporated what I love, my daughter. I got a cherry blossom tree which in my eyes stands as beauty and one of the branches has Brielle's name in it. My daughter defines beauty. When Derrick and I decide to have our own in a few years I will incorporate that baby's name into it also. 

 Super Dirty
Like I said not finished. At this point my skin had had enough and wouldn't take the ink anymore. 
My hubby takes care of me. <3 

Friday, March 9, 2012


I had a day off on a Friday which is unheard of. My daughter and I decided to go swimming. I took her two younger uncles and her uncle Ben (: I bought her a new bikini and we had a blast! 

 After swimming Brielle and I met up with my parents and had some yummy food! She is a food addict (:

Later her other grandparents picked her up for the night and I hung out with my guy friends. We decided to participate in Mustache March. And we went to the gym like this. 
It was a wonderful day (: My next day off I will have a DIY for you guys (:

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I have a confession. Going into beauty school I had no idea how to french braid, BUT! I'm proud to say after 6 days of braiding non stop I know how (: So just to share my fails and progress I'm making a quick post
 My almost cornrows :p
I hate mannequins
Just a quick look at my everyday school life (: You're jealous.