Sunday, February 5, 2012

Cookie Dough Truffles!

For Super Bowl I made Derrick an amazing treat the was divine!
Egg free, chocolate dipped, cookie dough! Yum! 
I was able to find a pre-made cookie dough without eggs. Which was really nice but if you want to make your own you can find a recipe here ---->
I melt chocolate with a pan of boiling water with a bowl of chocolate chips over it. I've always melted it this way. You will never burn it this way! 

 Add a heaping tbsp. of peanut butter
 Get it melted all the way 
 Roll up your cookie dough and dip it all in chocolate, use a spoon or toothpicks to get them out of the chocolate. Put them on a platter and then in the freezer for 20 minutes or so. 
 They should be ready to eat now! I added sprinkles before I put them in the freezer. Makes them cute
Is that good Derrick?

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