Friday, February 10, 2012

Broccoli Bowtie with Chicken

I found this super easy but yummy recipe the other day! Thanks to Lovely Little Snippets. I did change it just a little bit. But it was still delectable!
What you'll need:
A bag of bow tie pasta
2 cup of frozen or fresh broccoli.
2 grilled chicken breast
2 TBS olive oil (or less)
2 TBS fresh lemon juice
1 TBS Parmesan cheese (optional)
Sea salt and ground pepper

Cook pasta according to directions on box or bag, grill your chicken how you normally would, and boil your broccoli and drain it. Then add everything together, pour your olive oil and lemon juice over, and add the desired amount of cheese and S&P. Enjoy! I love this recipe because it seriously takes like ten minutes to throw together and it's scale friendly!

 And I actually didn't get a finished picture which makes me sad ): But! This was before the chicken. 
On a side not. I found a detox recipe and it sounded so good that I jumped up and made it! I forgot to look at the portions of the ingredients though. So this is a grapefruit, carrot, ginger smoothie. I don't ever recommend it unless you want to shoot yourself in the face (: 

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