Sunday, February 19, 2012

Vegas Vacation!

After our wonderful drift competition it was really nice to enjoy the Vegas scene. Saturday night we went down Fremont street, which is always fun, and decided to get dinner at Tony Roma's! The wait was a good 45 minutes so we decided to all go play some slot machines (it's always nice to look older than your age) Derrick won like 50 bucks but just spent it all on the same machine. He had fun (: When our table was called Derrick, William, Lyndsey and I all went inside more than happy to eat after such an eventful day. Our friends Josh and Hanna met up with us after we were seated. Derrick and I ordered the steak and lobster special which was superb! Lyndsey and Hanna ordered the 1/2 chicken. We all busted up when half a chicken came out on a plate :p It was literally half a chicken! 

During dinner my best friend, Ben, sent me a picture of our fur babies since he was watching them. It was adorable! 
 Derrick bought me a big ass drink! It was yummy (: Pina Colada. 
He liked us, a lot (;
Fremont Street!
It was an awesome night with friends (: The next morning we all slept in until about 10AM and we all packed up and checked out of hotel by 11AM. We decided to go eat a buffet and Derrick said he wanted to spoil me our last day so he told everyone else if they didn't want to spend $30 a plate (which isn't super bad) then they could go eat somewhere else. But eh wanted to eat at the Wynn Hotel. Which was possibly the best part of the whole trip! It was an unlimited buffet and the food was amazing! Derrick had about 3 slabs of the best prime rib we'd ever tasted. Lyndsey and I went crazy on the desserts. The bakers were so sweet and gave us extra of everything
Beautiful Weather. (Surprisingly my phone took this)
 I love this man <3
So beautiful inside! 

I was amazed at how this place was decorated!
I did a little bit of shopping but I decided to save a quarter of my paychecks until our next one so I'll have a few hundred to spend on myself! :D So next time expect a few cute outfits (: Next even is in either March or April, we will see! 
I want to give a shout out to my dear friend Kasey VanDyke! She has been a faithful follower! I'm going to miss you when you leave next month! But I'm so stoked and I'll actually write to you! Promise (: 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Vegas Drift!

Derrick and I have been anticipating this trip for months! It was supposed to be on our one year anniversary weekend but they moved it up to February, but we didn't complain. I am so proud of Derrick, he's living his dream (finally). This was the first step, and he did so great we will be going to the next event and hopefully at the end of the season Derrick can get his pro license! For  those of you who don't know what drifting is, just watch Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift. You'll get the idea. We rode up following Trent  and we had Will and Lyndsey riding with us. The drive always sucks. 
We had a party in the back seat ;p
 It was packed! 
 Derrick sexy car, number 25!

Vegas Pro-Am! 

 Parade lap
Sexy Scoop.
 I've never seen him so nervous before!! 
 There was a hiccup with Will's car ):
 The only Subaru! 
Loved this car, hot pink with glitter

 Only drift truck!
 Top qualifying 16! Good job Derrick
 Everyone kept calling us Umbrella girls. So we became that (: 

The celebration for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
Derrick qualified which is really good. How it worked was everyone practiced first. There were 2 practice rounds for each  group. Even and odds. Odds went first then evens then odds and evens one last time. Derrick was an odd so he went first. First practice round he broke an axle, luckily he converted to an s13 suspension and everyone there had a spare one. He got back on the track and did amazing. After practice were qualifying rounds. Only 16 out of the 40 people qualified. You got two chances to qualify. Which ever score was higher was the score they took. Derrick qualified 9th. After qualifying rounds the qualifiers did tandum which is two people going together, and whoever is following has to follow the line of the leader as best as possible. Derrick went up against the only girl drifter. Beat her (: He then went against the top qualifier and it was super close and kind of cheap but he ended up losing to him. Which is okay because he still did an amazing job! The way it works is you get points each Vegas Drift session. There are four session. The higher place you get the more points you get for the end of season. At the end of the season they will take your points from all four sessions and the top 4 will get a pro license!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Lovers Day!

Valentines Day! Yes! I was soooo stoked for this day. Sadly I didn't get to spend it with my honey or my little girl :/ I went to school were we had a Potluck type deal. I brought lemon bars, I'll have to get a recipe up soon, it is family so consider yourself lucky. I made my wonderful boyfriend Red Velvet pancakes with cream filling. It was beyond amazing! I took some to my parents also. Then  after school I had to work until nine at night, Derrick had picked up Brielle so I could put her to bed myself, I love how thoughtful he is.

 School Cupcakes
 Chocolate strawberries!
Kaylee and I (:
We didn't really go all out on gifts, I believe you should love your significant other everyday and they deserve treats and goodies more than just once a year. But I did get Derrick another magazine, ( I am amazed at how expensive those damn things are ) his favorite chocolates, Queen Anne Milk chocolate Cordial Cherries, and a really cute card. He had asked what I wanted and I had no idea. So when I got off work I came home to an almost spotless house. And he said either in Vegas or after Vegas he wants to take me to a jewelry store and have me pick out a love pendant. Which is more than perfect. So he will be paying off some of my bills which means SO much to me and I will be shopping soon (:
The next day when I woke up there was a beautiful long slender box next to me on the bed. I opened it up and to my surprise he got me something I've wanted for a while now..........
Extensions! :D They look short here but they're a decent length.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Broccoli Bowtie with Chicken

I found this super easy but yummy recipe the other day! Thanks to Lovely Little Snippets. I did change it just a little bit. But it was still delectable!
What you'll need:
A bag of bow tie pasta
2 cup of frozen or fresh broccoli.
2 grilled chicken breast
2 TBS olive oil (or less)
2 TBS fresh lemon juice
1 TBS Parmesan cheese (optional)
Sea salt and ground pepper

Cook pasta according to directions on box or bag, grill your chicken how you normally would, and boil your broccoli and drain it. Then add everything together, pour your olive oil and lemon juice over, and add the desired amount of cheese and S&P. Enjoy! I love this recipe because it seriously takes like ten minutes to throw together and it's scale friendly!

 And I actually didn't get a finished picture which makes me sad ): But! This was before the chicken. 
On a side not. I found a detox recipe and it sounded so good that I jumped up and made it! I forgot to look at the portions of the ingredients though. So this is a grapefruit, carrot, ginger smoothie. I don't ever recommend it unless you want to shoot yourself in the face (: 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

DIY: Boyfriends Scarf

Another post tonight! Last one though I promise.
I've been looking at all these super cute scarves and I decided to make one of my own with all of them combined. :D 
What you'll need:
a man's shirt M-XL
First get your shirt out and lay it out as flat as possible. 

 Cut across the armpit area straight across
 Cut the hem line. Save that scrap for later you'll need it
 Cut slits half way up. I mixed up the width of mine but you can keep yours same length (:

Now cut up those slits until there is about an inch

Pull the ends and stretch them out. 
 I added a braid or two to kind of break it up a little more. Was very cute. (:

Ben came over to watch Super Bowl and help me with some crafts! 
The seam I said to save makes a good babysitter. :p

 Gather all the strands together and tie them with the seam you saved. You can make a cute bow. That's what I did.

Rocking the new scarf (: I'll be wearing it to school tomorrow (: