Saturday, January 21, 2012

One week down

My first week of Cosmo is done! First test I took got the highest score. A 97% because I'm awesome like that. My kit weighs about 100 pounds and they expect me to carry it on my shoulder in an ugly duffel bag. This weekend I am looking for a cuter one. Derrick has been an awesome support and brought me a surprise (:

I was amazed when he walked in the door with these. (: Ten months of living together and I couldn't ask for anything or one better than him <3
It's official (:
Derrick asked me to cut his hair and I did. (: But I went the extra mile and instead of just buzzing it I did a finger length cut. ( He's looks really sad and that because he was looking at the drift event schedule and learned we only have three weeks to finish his car until the first event ): Which is no where near enough time )
Brielle is still as cute and perfect as ever. We are getting mommy daughter pictures done tomorrow! :D

Oh... and ON ACCIDENT I cut Brielle's hair ): I was trying to cut out a pony tail and I took out a pretty decent sized lock of hair out :/ Still devastated.

After my fist day of school I was so excited I surprised Derrick before he got home and made an amazing braised beef, Portabello mushroom tortellini. It was to die for and beyond wonderful.

And I made my first home made cinnamon strusell muffins. (: They were all gone in one night!
Oh and of course Pho for our date night. (:
Not to brag, but how many people can rock these aprons??
Hopefully this next week goes as smooth as last week did! (:

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