Monday, January 30, 2012

Busy Body!

These past few weeks have flown by! Derrick's birthday is coming up, then Valentines day, then our one year anniversary, then the first drift event. I'm going crazy! I've got a big anatomy test tomorrow so this past week I've been a nerd and studying all week. I went shopping and thanks to all my gift cards from Christmas I got two pairs of boots, 3 shirts, a pair of jeggings, and a ring all for $3.03. There were some awesome deals going on :p
It snowed a bunch! Finally. 
New boots, and I brought out D&G purse <3 
New ring, love it! 
The sun was setting and the mountains were really pretty,  but this picture does not show either of those :p
Went to Tanglewood on Friday, and I decided that I want a Chinchilla! 

Mine and Brielle's coloring <3
 love my little girl, and she loved my spaghetti last night :p
 Cutest messy face award? Yes. 
Date night, Derrick was so cute. We went to classic with our friends Will and Lyndsey and we skated, played laser tag, and since I knew the manager we got to stay after they were closed and play on the bounce area. We had so much fun and it was so nice to feel like a kid again. <3
The cutest part and best part of the night was when Derrick won me a fake little ring and did a fake little proposal it was hilarious but adorable (: 
I love him <3 It's not real... yet (;

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