Sunday, November 20, 2011

The (almost) perfect Sunday

Derrick normally has Sunday's  off and this Sunday was no different. He let me sleep in because I've been opening a lot lately and having to wake up at like 5 a.m. When I woke up he was just getting home from Home Depot picking up some insulation for our project that day. He brought me home a surprise (:
A yummy Caramel Apple, Christmas style!
He also knows I'm on a diet (No thanks to my new job) so when I woke up and got dressed breakfast was sitting on the table for me. Grapefruit and a Peanut Butter Granola Bar.

 For the past few days we've been working on one of his projects together, keeping his shop warm. So be sheet rocked the celling this past week and today we blew insulation into the new attic. It was going pretty good until we finished and were trying to clean up and all of a sudden his compressor blew up! Right in his face. If it hadn't been for the welding table he built and the stereo shelf I probably wouldn't have him anymore. It was scary. Luckily it only cut his finger which probably wouldn't have been bad if he had gotten it stitched  up. But my man is a trooper (:
This was the compressor tank that blew up. Scary stuff!
We took a break from working and bundled us all up. We all went outside and played in the leaves and snow. It was cold but a blast! <3
Mismatched beauty! :D
We later went shopping and I spent a way too much money on food but I love to spoil them (: I bought steaks for dinner. Derrick makes a mean steak!
When he brought the steaks to the table he made them look like a heart ((: awee.
I decided we needed a fancy drink for the drive home. So I bought us Naked drinks. Sooo good!
I also bought Brielle some treats. Messy face!
And I bought her some Fruitables. Her favorite. Derrick turned around and was surprised she gulped it down! She loves them!
We had the best dessert ever. Cookie dough. Derrick's idea ^__^
Lazy Sunday's = No make up!

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