Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Not much to say other than I was happy to have my honey home this year for Halloween!
Brielle was my little Tangled, and I did a sugar skull. 
Also I made Pumpkin Seeds again! If you need an easy recipe check out when I did them 2 years ago

Holiday's are coming up and I'm warning all of you now, be ready for craft overload. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Photo Day Challenge

I wanted to show you guys how lame my weekday is. All I do is work. So I did the photo challenge of a picture an hour. Lets start. 
6 A.M. Cuddle with my animals and debate if I REALLY want to get up
 7 A.M. Arrive to work and chug as much caffeine as possible
 8 A.M. Relieve stress with my adorable owls. 
 9 A.M. Take a break, solve a Rubix cube, and get more caffeine
 10 A.M. Take a random selfie with my managers coat
 11 A.M. Get more caffeine. I have a problem. 
 12 P.M. Make calls, enjoy my caffeine overload. 
1 P.M. Enjoy the lunch provided every Thursday, this Thursday delicious sandwiches. 
2 P.M. Struggle to get back to work and waste time on YouTube

3 P.M. Go over notes for the day. Can I start cleaning up and going home orrrrrr? Oh. No. Of course not.
4 P.M. Be a nerdy developer and look into a 5th dimension. And break a software. Bwahahahaha

 Sometime around 5 P.M. get stuck in rush hour traffic for an hour
 6 P.M. Arrive home to these two just hanging out. 
 7 P.M. enjoy "Dinner"
8 P.M. do my nightly routine. 
9 P.M. Look like crap, cuddle, and finally pass the eff out. 
I am so excited for the weekend. My week has officially sucked! 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

New Dreams

Maybe this isn't a NEW dream but it's one I'm finally pursuing. After finally getting a proper camera for my birthday I decided maybe I could start taking pictures. Who's a better model than my 3 year old? These turned out so much better than I thought they would. I also took a family picture trying to figure out the delay option. After many failed attempts it finally came out right! Introducing Summer Dreams Photography