Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pumpkin Carving

Derrick and I have both been so busy lately. We'd promise each other we would carve pumpkins and we just didn't get around to it until the night before Halloween at 10:00 PM. It was a nice night though. By then Brielle was past out. Derrick and I had some alone time and just enjoyed each other and relaxing.
Well we weren't totally alone, we were watching Top Gear and laughing our asses off. British accents we both giggle at. :p
Lazy days. <3
Derricks scary pumpkin, our lovely pumpkins, and my cute ghosts (:

Now lets get to the good stuff. Pumpkin seeds! Baking the pumpkin seeds after we carve pumpkins has always been a tradition for my family. Well I brought the tradition to Derrick! He loves them but doesn't know how to make them, so he got a lesson.
First: Separate the seeds from all the "gunk" the best you can. I normally put the seeds in a strainer once all the gunk is off. It makes it easier that way.

Second: Spread the seeds out on a pan with tin foil on it. You can then pick out some more of the gunk. Be sure you spread them out as evenly as possible. ( If you like yours more soft and not crunchy, soak them in water for a few hours then do step two )

Third: Keeping these simple is much better than going overboard on seasonings. After there spread out pour some vegetable oil all over them. I drown mine. :p Then just put some salt, pepper, and lemon pepper. Easy!
Fourth: Throw them in the over for ten to twenty minutes depending how crunchy you want them. Pull them out carefully! Throw them in a bowl and enjoy (:


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