Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Waterfall Canyon

First hike up Waterfall Canyon this summer was an absolute fail. After we pack all my stuff up and get it out of Derrick's place and over to Freddie's storage unit we decided lets go watch the sunset. We take Zorro and Freddie's dog, Luna. We get half way up and decided we should head back because I was starving. I wanted to take a different path than where we came and come to find out it goes four or five miles away from where we need to go, we decide to go down this huge rock face instead of going back. Don't ask me what I was thinking because I'm not really sure. We get down a couple yards and I roll my ankle. Okay, a little painful but I'm fine. Then out of no where this beetle the size of my dog lands right in front of me. I jump back and fracture my ankle. I'm one of those really graceful people.. not. I thought it was just spranged. Freddie is in the Army Reserves and I didn't want him thinking I was a panzi or anything so I manage to take a couple steps and rest for ten minutes. Then we lose the rocks and go into trees and bushes. I couldn't help but to sit down while Freddie went ahead to figure out where the hell we were going. When he got back he picked me up and carried me for a good mile and a half. You might think awe, how cute. No. I felt beyond retarded. We FINALLY get to the bottom and to the regular path. We make it to the car in one piece and I lit up a cigarette so damn fast it'd make your head spin. Freddie took me back to his place, wrapped my ankle, carried me to the truck, bought me Beto's and took me home. It was a ridiculous day but one I will not forget. The next day I went to the doctor and come to find out I fractured something. Wasn't supposed to walk on it for four weeks. That lasted maybe a week. It was an amazing day all and all though. I had someone who cared enough to push through my stubborn-headed-ness and actually help when I clearly needed it. 
 My dog is pathetic..

And leave it to Freddie to spoil my kids :p

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